work with the youth ministry to create unified programs
Collaboration with the youth ministry Questions
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If you don’t find your specific children’s ministry question, click on the “Send Us Your Question” button at the end of the question list to send us your question. We will respond with helpful information soon.
“Our collaboration with the youth ministry is…”
(To find your answer, click on the “answer” button beside your question.)
How do I begin to make significant connections with the youth ministry (YM) leadership?
How do I increase the collaboration between the children’s ministry (CM) and the YM?
not coordinated
How can I make sure that the YM calendar and the CM calendar are considered when new programs are designed?
How can I “advertise” or “market” the collaboration between the YM and the CM to the entire church staff or church body?
Send us your question
If you didn’t find your specific question in the above list, click the “Send Us Your Question” button below. We will respond with an idea or a connection to help satisfy your need.