Make your team members Feel like royalty
Team Development Questions
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If you don’t find your specific children’s ministry question, click on the “Send Us Your Question” button at the end of the question list to send us your question. We will respond with helpful information soon.
“Generally, our team of children’s ministry volunteers is…”
(To find your answer, click on the “answer” button beside your question.)
How do I deal with the fact that some of our CM team, who are already serving, haven’t been screened?
How can I inspire our team to focus on the children instead of focusing on “getting the lesson done”?
in a “rut”
How can I inspire our CM team to get out of the “ministry rut” of doing the same things, in the same ways, as they have for years?
How can I establish a unified set of procedures that govern the CM, without discouraging creativity or the personal passions of the team?
How can I increase the kindness and gentleness of our CM team, while still protecting the rules and guidelines of the ministry?
How can I improve the faithfulness of our CM team? We have some who don’t show up to serve.
spiritually weak
How can I improve the spiritual strength of our CM team? We have some who aren’t spiritually strong, or who aren’t growing in the Lord.
Too lenient
How can I improve the “classroom management” in our ministry? Some CM team members are too lenient, and let the children do whatever they want.
How can I improve the church’s appreciation of our CM, and those who serve on the CM team? There are times when the CM team feels “used” by the church.
not secure
How can I improve our CM team’s sense of “security”? The security in the CM area needs improving.
How can I protect those who serve on our CM team from being “burned out” by too many requests for CM programs or care from the church?
Send us your question
If you didn’t find your specific question in the above list, click the “Send Us Your Question” button below. We will respond with an idea or a connection to help satisfy your need.